LANY - Live at Terminal 5 - New York City
Sunday evening was nothing but quiet on West 56th street as fans lined up from the start of the iconic NYC venue Terminal 5 to multiple blocks up the street. Fans had been camping outside the venue since Friday morning. And what for? The answer being the indie-synth-pop band that has been taking the scene by storm; LANY. The band, originating from Tulsa, Oklahoma, started their climb to stardom as friends creating music in a bedroom had now packed the 3,000 person venue. But what was so spectacular about LANY’s show? Well the answer is quite simple; everything.
For a Sunday night, you would never imagine to be driving into your parking spot to see a show only to be met with a line going down the block and across multiple streets...but this was exactly the scene at LANY’s Terminal 5 show on November 4th. The band’s latest release, Malibu Nights, was one that had definitely put the band on the charts with songs such as “Thru These Tears” and “Thick and Thin” which fans worldwide have been captivated by since the release of both singles. There are various reasons as to why fans have been falling so deeply in love with this album. It could be the crisp production, the simple yet easy loveable drum tracks, maybe it’s the peaceful and appealing piano chords played throughout the album, either way, this album has brought the band some major fame as they keep expanding a wide variety of fans across the world.
The band’s show this previous Sunday was one I will never forget. One thing that caught my attention instantly was how crisp the production was. The sound for this show was so on point there is nothing else to describe it rather than impeccable. Every instrument was heard, but not one instrument overpowered another. The sound of Paul Jason Klein’s voice was captivating filling the entire arena and not missing a single square inch of it.
The stage presence of the band was also something to be taken note of. As Paul occupied the main stage, the rest of the band sat behind him and nearly ten feet in the air on top of a platform LED screen. This display was a unique way to show the contrast of the singer to the musicians. Alongside this placement of the band, the way the band showed their music through their light show on LED screens was also another aspect that played a huge part in how they presented themselves to fans new and old.
All in all, everything about LANY’s performance was spot on from start to finish. As someone who had only ever seen the band play a festival, I can say that the band brings a whole new aspect to their own performance and it's something you don't want to miss out on.
You can find LANY's upcoming tour dates at